Saturday, May 2, 2009

WHO distributes drug stockpile as swine flu cases rise

A nurse in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, holds a box of the antiviral drug Tamiflu, which is effective in combating swine flu if the treatment is given early enough.

The World Health Organization said Thursday it has begun distributing a stockpile of antiviral drugs to a number of countries, as Mexico's top health official said the number of new cases of swine flu in the country is stabilizing.

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, WHO's acting assistant director-general for health security and environment, told reporters the drugs would be distributed to countries 'in most need,' especially developing countries that are least prepared to contend with a potential pandemic.

CBS: WHO distributes drug stockpile as swine flu cases rise

I Went to Mexico and all I got was...

Someone is trying to make a quick buck on H1N1 on eBay with this T-shirt

Oh well, order one if you want one

CNN WHO confirming backlog of suspected H1N1 cases

Airline employees in Hong Kong work Saturday, a day after officials there confirmed their first case of swine flu.Tourists sunbathe wearing surgical masks in the popular Mexican resort of Acapulco.

GENEVA, Switzerland: The World Health Organization said Saturday that although it is still preparing for a pandemic, the rise of confirmed cases of swine flu to 658 was largely because of confirmation of suspected cases in Mexico.

'I would still propose that a pandemic is imminent because we're seeing the disease spread to other countries. We have not seen yet that sustained transmission outside one WHO region,' said Dr. Michael J. Ryan, the WHO's director of its global alert and response team.

'Pandemics are serious,' he said, but it is important to note they describe 'the geographic spread of the disease, not its severity.'

The WHO reported 658 confirmed cases of swine flu, also known as 2009 H1N1, in 16 countries WHO confirming backlog of suspected H1N1 cases

Reuters: S.Korea confirms first case of H1N1 flu

SEOUL, (Reuters) South Korea has confirmed its first case of the H1N1 flu, the Yonhap news agency said on Saturday, quoting a Health Ministry official.

The sufferer was a 51-year-old woman who returned from a trip to Mexico in mid-April. She had stayed in Mexico City for about a week. The woman was quarantined at an hospital when she was suspected of having the virus, but her symptoms were now almost gone, Yonhap said."

Reuters: S.Korea confirms first case of H1N1 flu

President Obama talks to the nation about H1N1

President Obama uses his weekly adress to the nation to discuss the government's response to the 2009 H1N1 flu virus. He urged that there is no need to panic but also explained that the federal government and American people nonetheless should take the necessary precautions.

Swinefighter - The Swine Flu Game

A silly little online game to fight your daily H1N1 stress.

Swinefighter - The Swine Flu Game - Beat the Virus!