Friday, May 1, 2009

BBC: Swine flu: mapping the outbreak

Nice Timeline and Outbreak map at the website of the BBC

BBC NEWS | Swine flu: mapping the outbreak

BBC NEWS | Health | Hospitals given pandemic flu plan

Hospital ward

Hospital staff have been given detailed advice on how they should care for other patients during a flu pandemic.
The Royal College of Physicians, which represents over 20,000 doctors, brought forward its publication from June.
It warns hospitals are only likely to be able to meet around 25% of all demand at the height of a flu pandemic.

The RCP said the guidance was aimed to help hospital staff coordinate care for patients with conditions including 'during a difficult period.'

BBC NEWS | Health | Hospitals given pandemic flu plan

Want To Avoid Swine Flu? There’s An App For That Too.

Threat Level - Swine Flu iPhone App Map of Swine Flu iPhone App

Naturally, someone just had to make an iPhone app.
And the winner is IntuApps, which has Swine Flu Tracker, waiting for approval from Apple before it’s released into the App Store.
In it, you can see the current Threat Level for the disease, a map showing confirmed and suspected cases, a symptoms area to inform people, and an alert page for breaking news on Swine Flu.

TechCrunch: Want To Avoid Swine Flu? There’s An App For That Too

BREAKING: Denmark and China confirm swine flu cases

Denmark officially confirmed on Friday the first H1N1 virus infection diagnosis. The existence of the swine flu virus was made public by Else Smith, manager of the Health and Prevention Center, quoted by Reuters. The presence of the swine flu virus was also confirmed by authorities in Hong Kong, the carrier being a person who travelled to Mexico.

WHO: Influenza A/H1N1 - update 7 bulletin of the World Health Organisation

1 May 2009 -- The situation continues to evolve rapidly. As of 06:00 GMT, 1 May 2009, 11 countries have officially reported 331 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection.

The United States Government has reported 109 laboratory confirmed human cases, including one death. Mexico has reported 156 confirmed human cases of infection, including nine deaths.

The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (34), Germany (3), Israel (2), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (3), Spain (13), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (8).

The rest of the bulletin

Smithfield is listening! | Grist

Smithfield claims that they are awaiting the results of “additional” tests on the pigs at their Veracruz, Mexico, CAFO—the facility at the heart of speculation as the source of the current swine flu outbreak—to determine if any pigs are infected. And just in case you were wondering, Smithfield is fully aware of who’s “driving” the CAFO/swine flu meme, if their CEO is to be believed.
In a letter to employees, CEO C. Larry Pope wrote that the results of those independent laboratory tests will be available and made public in a few days.

Gris: Smithfield is listening!

Masks will be THE fashion item this spring

Here are some more fashionable masks, from Japan.

Surgical mask design by Yoriko Yoshida --

Pink Tentacle
(thank you, Adam Harms)

Narco News: How The NAFTA Flu Exploded

Al Giordano wrote a disturbing article in the Narco News Bulletin, the website that reports on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America. After reading you'll understand why the American Pork Industry is so eager to change the name of The Flu away from Swine Flu

How “The NAFTA Flu” Exploded
Smithfield Farms Fled US Environmental Laws to Open a Gigantic Pig Farm in Mexico, and All We Got Was this Lousy Swine Flu

US and Mexico authorities claim that neither knew about the “swine flu” outbreak until April 24. But after hundreds of residents of a town in Veracruz, Mexico, came down with its symptoms, the story had already hit the Mexican national press by April 5. The daily La Jornada reported:

Clouds of flies emanate from the rusty lagoons where the Carroll Ranches business tosses the fecal wastes of its pig farms, and the open-air contamination is already generating an epidemic of respiratory infections in the town of La Gloria, in the Perote Valley, according to Town Administrator Bertha Crisóstomo López.

The town has 3,000 inhabitants, hundreds of whom reported severe flu symptoms in March.

read the rest of this eye-popping article here.

H1N1 Flu: FAQ for travelers

The H1N1 flu outbreak (formerly known as the swine flu) has many travelers and potential vacationers asking how the virus impacts them or their plans.

Below is a list of answers to frequently asked questions supplied by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

H1N1 Flu: FAQ for travelers

Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms
In October 2005 the Pentagon ordered vaccination of all US military personnel worldwide against what it called Avian Flu, H5N1. Scare stories filled world media. Then, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced he had budgeted more than $1 billion to stockpile the vaccine, Oseltamivir sold under the name, Tamiflu. President Bush called on Congress to appropriate another $2 billion for Tamiflu stocks.

Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms