Someone is trying to make a quick buck on H1N1 on eBay with this T-shirt
Oh well, order one if you want one
Between 2009 and 2011 this blog collected and compiled news, views, rumours, predictions and solutions about the 2009 outbreak of A/H1N1.
This blog will no longer be updated, since the WHO officially certified that the AH1N1 epidemic is over. Only when there are significant developments new messages will be posted.
My Twitter account is ah1n1.
My other blog contains things about the rest of my life, and is mostly in Dutch.
1 reacties:
Unfortunately seems that those trying to get such T-shirts "were at Mexico" and returned their homes with their original ignorance (or even improved... if possible).
Just remember us where the first HIV/AIDS cases were detected? certainly were not in Mexico. All this kind of 'expressions' sounds like a xenophobic issue combined with ignorance.
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