In for a little gamble?
Make a prediction on Will the A/H1N1 swine flu grow into a pandemic as feared?
The White House briefing is set for 12:30 p.m. EDT.
MOSCOW, April 26 (RIA Novosti) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has set up a government commission to prevent the spread of swine flu in the country, the government's press secretary said on Sunday.
The Russian government is taking preventive measures following an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico that killed dozens of people, Dmitry Peskov said.
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia sets up commission to prevent swine flu outbreakWELLINGTON (Reuters) - A group of New Zealand school pupils and teachers just returned from Mexico were quarantined on Sunday after showing flu-like symptoms.
Public health officials said some of a group of three teachers and 22 students from a secondary school in the country's biggest city, Auckland, had shown influenza-like symptoms a day after returning from three weeks in Mexico.
They were being confined to their homes while the results of tests were awaited.
New Zealand pupils quarantined in swine flu scare | Health | ReutersSwine flu proves a perfect case for widespread use of Twitter. Never before has there been a method by which important breaking news can spread with the velocity it is spread on Twitter. When I saw the stories of swine flu in the news, I tweeted about it, just as thousands of others did.
There has been a lot of misinformation on the topic of Swine Flu (H1N1), but the fact that Twitter has provided for such fast spread makes me wonder if Twitter can outspread the flu.
Swine Flu Outbreak: Perfect Case for Twitter | SEO ServicesStudents sickened at a Queens school probably have the dreaded swine flu that has killed dozens in Mexico and is threatening to erupt into a global pandemic, officials said Saturday.
Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden said preliminary tests suggest the new bug raced through St. Francis Preparatory School in Fresh Meadows, where 200 students fell ill last week.
NYC health officials: At least 8 Queens students likely have swine flu; global pandemic fears growU.S. public health officials did not know about a growing outbreak of swine flu in Mexico until nearly a week after that country started invoking protective measures, and didn't learn that the deaths were caused by a rare strain of the influenza until after Canadian officials did.
The delayed communication occurred as epidemiologists in Southern California were investigating milder cases of the illness that turned out to be caused by the same strain of swine flu as the one in Mexico.
Washingtonpost.com: U.S. Slow to Learn of Mexico FluWe hear about an unseen killer and we worry that we will be next. The best antidote for this kind of fear is the facts.
So let me take on the fear-laden terms. The first is pandemic. A pandemic means a new flu virus infecting people in several areas of the world at the same time. It can be mild, moderate, or severe. Everyone knows about the 1918 Blue Death that killed over 50 million people worldwide, but how many people realize that the last pandemic, in 1968, ameliorated by vaccines, antibiotics, and public health measures, killed only 32,000 in the U.S. and 700,000 worldwide, less than many yearly outbreaks.
The current swine flu outbreak is not a pandemic, as the outbreak is confined mainly to Mexico, but if it does become one, it is far more likely to be the 1968 variety because of modern public health measures and because we have been exposed to several parts of this virus before and have an immune memory to it.
FOXNews.com: Dr. Marc Siegel: The Most Powerful Virus Is Fear Not FluMEXICO CITY — Mexico's president assumed new powers Saturday to isolate people infected with a deadly swine flu strain as authorities struggled to contain an outbreak that world health officials warned could become a global epidemic.
New cases of swine flu were confirmed in Kansas and California and suspected in New York City. But officials said they didn't know whether the New York cases were the strain that now has killed up to 81 people in Mexico and likely sickened 1,324 since April 13, according to figures updated late Saturday by Mexico's health secretary.
Huffington Post: WHO Chief: Swine Flu Has "Pandemic Potential"
(CNN) -- A potentially deadly new strain of the swine flu virus cropped up in more places in the United States and Mexico on Saturday, in what the World Health Organization called "a public health emergency of international concern.The most recent reports Saturday afternoon were of two confirmed cases of the virus in Kansas -- bringing the number of confirmed U.S. cases to 11.
In March and April 2009, over 1000 cases of unusually virulent flu in humans were detected in Mexico and the southwestern United States, causing more than 60 deaths, mostly in Mexico City and central Mexico.[2] Some of these have been confirmed by the World Health Organization to be a never-before-seen strain of H1N1.[8][1] The story of the outbreak was broadcast live first in Mexico on April 23, 2009. A new swine flu strain has been confirmed in 16 of the deaths and at least 100 others are being tested as of April 24, 2009.[9] The Mexican fatalities are mainly young adults, a hallmark of pandemic flu.[10]
Mexican Health Minister José Ángel Córdoba on April 24, said "We’re dealing with a new flu virus that constitutes a respiratory epidemic that so far is controllable."[2]
Between 2009 and 2011 this blog collected and compiled news, views, rumours, predictions and solutions about the 2009 outbreak of A/H1N1.
This blog will no longer be updated, since the WHO officially certified that the AH1N1 epidemic is over. Only when there are significant developments new messages will be posted.
My Twitter account is ah1n1.
My other blog contains things about the rest of my life, and is mostly in Dutch.